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Claire Shorenstein Sports Dietitian and runner

Get to know me

Sports Dietitian for endurance athletes
Learn about Claire Shorenstein running and endurance dietitian nutritionist

I'm a Board-Certified Sports Dietitian (MS RD CSSD) with more than a decade of experience helping everyday to elite athletes achieve their nutrition goals. I'm also a longtime endurance athlete, with a passion for trail and ultra running.


I started my career working in a hospital counseling patients with a variety of acute and chronic medical problems. I quickly realized that the clinical setting wasn't for me, although it helped me learn how to support an athlete as a whole person. 


I've worked in private practice ever since, and love to teach others how to fuel for long-term health and performance so that they can do what they enjoy for as long as possible.

Hi! I'm Claire Shorenstein. 

Claire Shorenstein trail running and endurance dietitian nutritionist

I first fell in love with running as a member of my high school’s cross-country running team. As someone who mostly focused on academics and music, I never considered myself much of an athlete, but found joy in movement and competition.


I discovered distance running 10 years later while living in London, and it changed my life. I felt stuck in a corporate job that I hated, and marathon training gave me a sense of purpose. It also inspired me to go back to grad school to become a Sports Dietitian. ​​

My Story

Claire Shorenstein dietitian nutritionist and runner

As a new endurance athlete, I had NO clue how to fuel myself. My mindset wasn't where it needed to be either. I was way more concerned about my running speed than my health, and believed the BS that "lighter = faster."

My eating disorder (which I had through my early 20s) was behind me, but disordered eating thoughts and behaviors were rampant. When I wasn’t trying to lose weight, I was trying to eat “enough,” but I didn’t really understand what that meant. 

The result was chronic underfueling, which led me to feel and perform like crap while sucking all the fun out of my sport. My initial “success” as a recreational athlete (PRs, BQs, etc) faded into the not-so-fun world of burnout, fatigue, constant injury, and a host of other negative mental and physical symptoms. 

It took a lot of work on my own nutrition, body image, and mindset, but it paid off big time


Instead of eating the bare minimum to scrape by, I learned to embrace fueling myself to my full potential. My running mojo came back. My gut stopped being pissed off all the time. My mood and health markers improved. I even hit some PRs! 

This work, specially the mental piece, is an ongoing process. I promise that you can do it too, and that it's 100% worth it. 

I know the nutrition space can be extremely confusing, overwhelming, and complicated. It doesn't have to be that way! I help you navigate YOUR unique world and keep things as simple as possible to set you up for long-term success

I offer a variety of nutrition services that will help you create and implement a personalized, flexible, and sustainable nutrition plan that works for YOU, as a human first and athlete second.

Let's transform your nutrition, health and performance!

Nutrition doesn't need to be so hard

Claire Shorenstein endurance and running nutritionist in the Forest of Nisene Marks
Claire Shorenstein trail running in the redwoods in Santa Cruz, California
  • Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University

  • Registered Dietitian (RD) since 2014

  • Board Certification as a Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD)

  • New-York State Certified Dietitian Nutritionist (CDN)

  • Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Coaching Certification

  • Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from Yale University

  • Master of Music in Oboe Performance from Yale School of Music

Education & Credentials

Claire Shorenstein trail running dietitian  in California

Over the last 25+ years, I've competed in numerous solo and team events from the 3km to 50-mile distance. You can read about or listen to some of my trail and road adventures below: 


A little more about me

I feel like a New Yorker after 15 years of living in NYC, but now live in my hometown of Aptos, CA with my husband and two girls. Here are a few more fun facts about me:


  • My fav ice cream flavor is cookies & cream

  • Other than running, my hobbies include hunting for sea glass, gardening, hiking, and arts & crafts

  • I don't love to cook, but I do love to eat

  • My favorite evening snack is cereal (at least 2 kinds) and milk

  • I miss NYC bagels and pizza SO much

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