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Ep. 98: Recovery Nutrition with Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CSSD

Recovery nutrition with sports dietitian and runner Claire Shorenstein

In Episode 98 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, I’m taking advantage of a short break between guests to bring you a solo episode all about recovery nutrition for endurance athletes.

Many of my clients are training for some exciting events in the coming months, and I’m getting lots of questions about what to eat after exercise. Even if you’re not training for a specific event or doing long hours-long training sessions, recovery nutrition still is extremely important.

In this episode, I’m going to teach you about the main puzzle pieces that impact recovery, specific nutrition and hydration guidelines for recovery, and how to apply these guidelines to real life as meals and snacks.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what I cover in this episode:

  • Recovery Basics: Nutrition, Rest, Sleep & Life Stress

    • Which nutrients do you need to recover?

    • Recovery nutrition timing

    • Reduced appetite after a long or hard workout

    • Exercise is not a form of stress management

  • Recovery nutrition:

    • Fluids and electrolytes

    • Carbs and proteins

      • The role of easy-to-digest carbs

      • The role of leucine (a branch-chain amino acid)

    • Healthy Fats

      • The role of omega-3 fatty acids (anti-inflammatory)

    • Fruits and vegetables

      • The role of polyphenols (antioxidants)

  • Three strategies to hit your post-exercise refueling goals

    • Using liquid and/or solid food options

  • Protein powders

    • Things you should know if you decide to use protein powder for recovery

  • Strategic snacking for recovery

    • Meals are of course important, but carefully-timed snacks are also essential to help you reach your total nutrition goals for the day

If you are more of a visual learner, I covered this topic in a recent blog post. You’ll find much of the same content as well as plenty of helpful graphics! I also offer a low-cost digital download on recovery nutrition.

I hope you find this episode helpful and as always, I welcome your questions, feedback and topic requests!

Also, don't forget to send in your questions for my next Ask Me Anything episode. Email me, DM me on IG, leave a comment here - whatever works best for you!

Links & Announcements:

Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations


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