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5 Goals for 2025 That Don't Involve Weight Loss

Goals for 2025 to boost health and performance

Every January, hordes of people jump on the New Year's resolution bandwagon, with so many setting their sights on weight loss. Messaging on how to change your body is everywhere you turn, the popularity of fad diets surges (Whole30, keto, or other forms of sadness anyone?), and gyms temporarily become packed.

This year, you can do SO much better!

In this post, I'm giving you five goals for 2025 that have nothing to do with shrinking your body. Weight loss is not the answer to everything, as much of society has lead you to believe. I fully support wanting to improve your health and fitness, but you can absolutely do that WITHOUT seeking to change your weight.

Also, the goals you set must be realistic and sustainable. That means evaluating where you're at right now not where you want to be, and setting small, achievable targets that allow you to stay consistent (not crash and burn two weeks later). This is how I coach my 1:1 nutrition clients to successful outcomes!

It's time to leave behind the pressure to lose weight and instead focus your goals for 2025 on feeling and performing your best!

Five Goals for 2025 to Boost Health and Performance

1. Eat a Meal or Snack Every 3-4 Hours

Why It Matters:

  • Consistent, adequate fueling leads to:

    • More energy for all your activities

    • Less out-of-control hunger and cravings later in the day

    • Numerous health benefits, including improved mood, gut health, and sleep

How to Make It Happen:

  • Keep a food journal for 1-2 days to identify gaps in your nutrition

  • Bring food with you when on-the-go to stay consistent and have options you enjoy

  • Plan and prep meals and snacks in advance, especially on busy days, to make nourishing yourself quicker and easier

    • Keep it simple and rely on convenience foods as needed

2. Add More Color (Fruits/Veggies) to Your Plate

Why It Matters:

  • Fruits and vegetables provide essential micronutrients, fiber, and antioxidants

  • These nutrients are critical for athletic performance, recovery, general health, and gut function

How to Make It Happen:

  • Add fruit to yogurt, oatmeal, salads, or smoothies, or enjoy it on its own.

  • Include veggies raw, with dips, in salads, or cooked into soups, stews, stir-fries, and pasta dishes.

  • Remember, fresh isn’t the only option - frozen, dried, canned, and juice work too.

  • Not in the mood for veggies? Go for fruit instead!

  • Batch prep veggies (e.g., roast or sauté) or buy pre-sliced options to make adding them easier

3. Eat More Carbs as Exercise Increases

Why It Matters:

  • Carbs are your body’s preferred energy source during exercise, but stores are limited

  • The more active you are, the more carbs you need

  • Carbs from sources like fruits, grains, starchy vegetables, and legumes also provide fiber, micronutrients, and antioxidants

  • Easy-to-digest carbs are ideal for fueling exercise

How to Make It Happen:

  • Increase your carb intake as exercise increases

    • Learn how to build a Performance Plate in my blog, “How Much Do I Need to Eat?

    • Most athletes need at least 5g of carbs per kg of body weight daily (up to 12g/kg)

  • Prioritize carbs before and after exercise, and during sessions >60-90 minutes

4. Slow Down and Chew Your Food

Why It Matters:

  • Eating mindfully helps you tune into hunger and fullness cues, improve digestion, and absorb nutrients better

  • Chewing thoroughly is a key part of the digestive process, and inadequate chewing can lead to various GI symptoms

How to Make It Happen:

  • Sit down to eat, even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes

  • Take a few deep belly breaths before starting your meal (this promotes "rest and digest")

  • Pause during meals (i.e. put down your utensil) to slow the pace

  • On busy days, opt for easier-to-eat foods (e.g. a sandwich instead of a salad)

  • Try chewing each bite a few more times than you normally do

5. Tune Into What Feels Good to You

Why It Matters:

  • The start of the year can feel overwhelming, and identifying what feels good in your unique body can help you set meaningful, sustainable goals for 2025

  • Finding joy and purpose in your health and fitness journey can prevent burnout and keep you motivated

How to Make It Happen:

  • Set realistic goals based on where you are now, not where you think you “should” be or where others are

  • Take small steps toward your goals, adjusting as needed based on how things are going

  • Evaluate your online environment and unfollow or mute accounts that negatively impact your mental or physical health

  • Start a nightly journal to track foods, moments, or activities that felt good and brought you joy (I have been doing this for the last 8 months and it has made a big difference)

  • Listen to Episode 84 of my podcast: “Joy is a Nutrient

Need help with your goals for 2025 to feel and perform your best?

I have been working with busy, active people for over 10 years, and would love to help you too. There are MANY ways to work with and learn from me, no matter your budget:


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